Wednesday 2 March 2016


Sooner or later you get to the point where you suddenly realise that your collection is beginning to represent more than a skirmish. Painting clan tartans and redcoat lace takes patience and I usually do one figure at a time so to get to the point where I have nearly 100 figures is a major milestone.

2 Government Battalions - Sempills 25th and Munros 37th prepare for the arrival of the Jacobite right wing. Next on the agenda - more clansmen! Figures, as usual, from Crann Tara


  1. Excellent stuff, but there again I would say that wouldn't I :)
    Are you going to Salute? If so please come and say hello.

    1. I'm away in April but the money I would have spent at Salute will be coming your way. I see the event is on the 16th - Culloden anniversary!

      Please feel free to use the photos if it helps.

    2. Philip,
      Many thanks, will be on the blog and Facebook shortly with due credit. Yes indeed I wish I could have had a game ready .

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil. its the highlanders socks that I find most challenging and each man has two.
