Monday 27 January 2014


I did the following figure from Warlord as a test for the more complicated German pea dot style. I have the H&C book on WW2 uniforms and some of the pictures have some very clear detail on camouflage patterns. The challenge is deconstructing this and painting it in a sequence that creates a realistic picture whilst recognising that you are not ever, ever going to get all the dots in.

Anyway, you do not have to experiment with colour shades. Vallejo have done all the hard work for us. Their VMC range are called German this and that for a good reason. All the camouflage colours used here are straight from the bottle.

Sequence was:

1. Pale brown base layer
2. GW earthshade wash
3. Pale brown highlight
4. Beige 'splodges'
5. Occasional black-brown 'splodges'
6. Pale brown dots on beige and brown bits
7. Beige dots on brown and pale brown bits
8. Brown dots on beige and pale brown bits
9. Bright green dots across all bits but not too many
10. Job done