Monday 21 July 2014

Falklands 2

I put some Falklands photos on the blog recently and they seemed to go down quite well. So here are a few more. I thought I had more but will obviously need to spend more time in the attic. I should stress that these are all from November 82 but the major clear up had not really started. It does give you an idea of the mess.

Derelict Argentine helicopters on the racecourse which was just to the west of Stanley. I gather that an intact airframe found its way to a new paint job in Hereford. Urban myth?

The runway at Stanley airfield. For an old photo it makes the place look terribly bleak. It was!! I remember taking this and goodness it was miserable. Some C130's can just be seen lurking to the left. Shortly afterwards a Phantom took off and seeing the blue flame coming out of its engines was very impressive to a very young infanteer.

The airstrip at Goose Green with a couple of Pucara ground attack aircraft. It gives you a good idea of how flat the ground was. When you read that it was like a billiard table I hope this shows how good an analogy it actually is.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Crann Tara

Not a great picture but I've just discovered the Crann Tara range of Jacobite Rebellion figures. This man is the test run and its the first time I've done tartan in ages. Notwithstanding the painting these are a great range of figures and are without doubt the best clansmen I have come across. I'm aiming to do a few samples to build an 8 man stand. It will take me 100 years.